hey,lately my mood up n down..left n right...infront n backwards...senang ckp gguan emosi lah..tons of probs dtg...stu2..xyah list la kot...n mse tgah tlis entry ni,still in an unsolve probs...which is,nak stdy ape u kmia,fzk n bio nieh?????????...ok,spe y xtao tu,aku spm candidate for this year(2010)....3 sbjk killer ni btl2 mmbnh aku...but2!,entry ni bkn nak bebel psl bnd tu...lets back to the topik okeyh!..
bile dirnung,ditenung,didalami da difhmi,sume org almost get the same experiences..ok,let me list pengalaman2 aku...then klo korg tbce,tell me mne stu y sme ngan korg keyh!
- lapar tapi tak nak makan
- tak lapar tapi nak ngunyah
- tido x lena
- mimpi jtoh drpd tmpt tggi taw mmp korg tjth smpai buat korg tersedar
- menangis tpi xtao npe
- jatuh cinta
- bosan smpai rase nak tertonggeng-tonggeng(maksodnye,totally bored)
- rase cam korg x dplukan
- plukan someone y btol2 phm korg
- kena lempang ngan mak(ouch!sakit gler)
- being dump
- tgok crush korg ngan org lain(i know its hurt beb!)
- takot exam tp still x stdy
- tiap kli taon bru ad azam bru tp tu sume hny hangat2 tahi aym
- risau tntg berat badan korg
- brpndh rmh tpi still in the same city
oke,thats all y aku dpt list kan...kple pon da tingtong...haha...dah mlm2 bute gini phm2 la yea..anyway,till thennnn...:)